Yay! I love spring. You still remember when it used to get dark at 4:30 so you appreciate the longer days (unlike in the summer). It's not too cold and not too hot (the Goldilocks season?). The clothes are nicer. Birds are chirping and bees and buzzing and everyone in LAland is just so HAPPY!
Anyway. I got this report on myself in the mail today. It was a copy sent to me because my employer for this summer requested one for themselves. It's really interesting, they know more about me than I knew about myself. I saw an [unused] credit card account that I'd forgotten that I had. Which is funny because I don't keep that many accounts. Yeah... I feel like they listed everything except maybe my boyfriend history. hahah. That would be awesome. I look like such a baby on paper. Everything is so clean, and so short. I'm so proud of my clean short life.
I went to the Magic Castle yesterday with W and fam. I felt so bad for one of the performers because she was really nervous (like visibly shaking, voice straining) and was nervous for a reason-- she was the worst magician there. I heard people talking later that she had messed up badly earlier in the week and visitors had been calling in to get her out. Sad. Being a magician is not easy-- in a way, people are waiting to expose you, figure you out, see you mess up. Hate you or love you.
The rest of the performers in the small rooms were awesome though. Two of them were cool "mind reader" card trick types. I have no idea how they do it. I mean, they went out of their way to prove the cards weren't marked, didn't know the people (even W got picked), cards repeatedly shuffled by audience, etc. The last guy was the best because he stuck to basic coin & card type tricks, but it was incredible. We were in a tiny room, I was seated probably five feet away, to the side-- probably a magician's weakest spot (I saw a lot of magician's "tricks" at close angles before). But everything was flawless. He's nuts. I don't feel like I'm an easily impressed person, either, because I thought the magicians in the big room were very blah.
And now spring break has started.
A nice gateway into spring.
Picture of the Post:
(above) Cow inventory in the German Alps
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