Lol, wth, brb, gtg, omg... pretty standard stuff. But it's actually interesting to think about our online slang and what gets boiled down to online acronyms and what doesn't. Recently one of my ChinesePod Q&A's discussed commonly used Chinese online slang, which was really interesting. Sort of like a new angle into viewing a culture.
MM: 妹妹mèimei,美眉měiméi = literally little sister, but more a cutesy/flirtateous way to address a cute/pretty girl. Saying it the second way is a play on words, where it sounds like little sister but the words mean pretty girl.
GG:哥哥gēge; older brother... I haven't really heard this used before, but I am ABC, so I think it is kind of like the Korean "Opa"
GF:女朋友nǚpéngyou = girlfriend. Funny that Chinese people use the English "acronym" instead of, say, NPY (but I guess it would end up the same as boyfriend).
BF:男朋友nánpéngyou = boyfriend
LG:老公lǎogōng = husband
LP:老婆lǎopo = wife; couples sometimes refer to each other as LP/LG, I presume in a "wifey" kind of way.
BT:变态biàntài = pervert... hahah I don't really understand how this become so commonly used so as to deserve an acronym but so it is.
FB:腐败fǔbài = corrupt... but apparently used more in a way as to say have a night on the town, or paint the town red, sort of way... like "let's go FB tonight."
JP:极品jípǐn = really spectacular, one of a kind good/product... used in a sarcastic way, ie "yeah, you're really a JP man."
PMP:拍马屁pāi mǎpì = literally means hit the horse's ass hahah... but really means means kiss ass, liar.
LZ:楼主lóuzhǔ = literally building manager/landlord, but used to refer to a forum's moderator. I think that is cute.
88 = bye bye
random nerdy picture I found while looking for an LOL jpg:

Happy Chinese Niu Year :)
btw, Lolcat magic card is AWESOME!
Yes, the lolcat magic card IS awesome. Google reader sucks, I don't get instantly updated to your blog posts! wth
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