Week 2 of Barbri (the bar review course that pretty much every law student takes, if possible) is over. I'm exhausted, but I wanted to do a weekly record of this über fun stage of my life, so here goes.
One of the many funny things about law school is how little a lot of people know about it before taking a headlong dive into three years and ~$150k in costs. For example, I didn't know what a tort was, I had no idea who the major law firms were, I didn't know a lawyer's starting salary, and just last week I discovered that I didn't know that in addition to the multiple choice and essay part of the bar exam, there's also a performance test portion (the bar exam is three days of wacky fun). Fine, some people are better informed than I am, but I'm certainly not alone either. Which is kind of crazy.
Anyway, last week we started with an overview of the six multistate bar (multiple choice) topics: constitutional law, contracts, criminal law and procedure, real property, evidence and torts. A humbling week, but at least it wasn't terrifying... If that's any consolation. Maybe because I already knew the bar is going to be a monster, so I'm not devastated when I'm getting every other answer wrong. Hah. So far I think evidence and property are the hardest... Damn character evidence and easements and mortgages.
After the first week, I concluded that I am so glad that I didn't listen to people who said I shouldn't worry about taking the non-1L bar topics courses while in school... My rec: TAKE evidence! And criminal procedure. I would not want to be facing warrantless searches and impeachment evidence for the first time at barbri. The others, maybe you can do without. But still not a bad idea. Besides, they're interesting topics, especially criminal procedure.
This week continued with in depth reviews of property and torts (basically civil cases... suits that individuals can bring for non-jailable crimes-- assault, product liability, medical malpractice, trespass, etc). Thank god the lecturers were entertaining, even if mildly insane. The property lady was sweet but crazy, and tried to help us remember things by adapting pop songs, resulting in such masterpieces as "it takes twooo baby... To create an easement appurtenement." Catchy. And the torts lecture was like watching a stand up, if you can believe it-- and a funny one, not Dane Cook.
One sad consequence of law overload is that it creeps into your daily enjoyment of things. For example, while watching Up (best movie of the year), besides the liabilities associated with a floating house (and child trespassers!), that one scene where Karl hits the guy while struggling for the mailbox, I was like "doesn't he has a claim defense of property using non-deadly force?" but then again, I'm sure Suit Guy had better lawyers, so at least that is realistic. Essentially, barbri has at once ruined my summer and made me more annoying in the process :)
On to week 3... At least I have the wwdc to keep me entertained.
-- Mobile post (I'm getting pro at typing on my phone. Sad or cool?)
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