Ugh I'm so frustrated because the app I'm using (BlogPress) somehow lost this post, even though it said it successfully uploaded. It was so long too :( I will have to rewrite a cliff notes version now.

Woke up at 6 am to catch our tour of Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world at ~3600m above sea level. Sits at the border of Peru and Bolivia; Peruvians (presumably English speaking ones anyway) like to say they own the Titi side and Bolivia owns the Caca side (Titi actually means Puma and Caca describes a grey color). Puno itself doesn't have much to offer in terms of sightseeing; is more of a access point to Titicaca.

Visited the man-made floating Uros islands. Crazy place. About 49 tiny tiny islands made from reeds; pretty much everything about it is made from reeds. Oh except the SOLAR PANEL that each one has, courtesy of ex-President Fujimori (yes a Japanese president, pretty crazy). So they have access to tv and radio but that's it in terms of modernity. They also have:

Guinea pig island!! So cute!! Except it's to keep them contained and fattened up for the kill. Still cute as a strictly visual matter.

Next we headed to Tequille island, a natural island 2 hours away. Totally different culture and language from the Uros people. Tequille inhabitants are Inca descendants and try to preserve their culture as much as possible. They live by Inca codes and use the Inca Terra es that wrap the island, but they dress in Spanish-influenced clothing and live in small rectangular homes.
Anyway great views of the island and lake, but took some effort! Hikin to the top took 40 minutes and was difficult with the altitude. I'm going to keep blaming being tired on the altitude. Even when I'm back at sea level.

Rewarded with a nice 15 soles (5usd) lunch of quinoa soup and trout from the lake. Im loving Peruvian food. Awesome. Took another route down: 540 steep steps. Less tiring but still quite an experience.
With these tours you have to do some research and asking around a bit. Ours only costed 13usd but was initially quoted a LOT more, like over 10x more.

Later we got back to Puno, where we had a great dinner at la Choza deOscar. But first I tried to exchange some money and learned that they won't take bills with even the slightest wear on the edges. So take crisp bills, druglord style.
Anyway my brother tried the alpaca meat pictured above which was really good, much better than last time... I guess it's just like any other meat: it's deliciousness depends on how well it is cooked :)

I finally tried the [in]famous Peruvian roasted guinea pig (cuy). I know, right after I was gushing about how cute guinea pig island was... I'm heartless :( don't know if this makes it any bettter but I had to have the HeAD (complete with two long intact front teeth... Seriously not necessary) covered with a lettuce leaf on the other side of the table before i could continue. Despite my being Chinese it was too much for me because i like hamsters an they look like them. But anyway i must say it was delicious. Crispy skin like pork, meat tastes more like chicken wings. Nomnom.
All in all a great day. I highly recommend adding this place to a Peru itinerary. I haven't even gotten to machu picchu yet and I feel like I've already seen and experienced more than I ever expected.
-- Mobile post
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