Sunday, May 13, 2007
McDonalds in Thailand
One thing I like to do when I'm visiting a different country is to see what unique things are on the McDonald's menus there (I try not to eat there when I'm out and about... although sometimes you just start craving fries no matter where you are, I'm sorry...). It's like a lesson in globalization and cultural integration ;)
Here in Thailand (and also in most Asian cities I've been to) are Taro, Corn, and Pineapple flavored pies. China had green bean pies, too. There should be a "McDonalds Around the World" book. I always talk about this. I should get over it hahah.
Somewhat related: I am very much against these chains opening in the middle of extremely cultural places. I hope they have kicked that Starbucks out of the Forbidden City by now >:(
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Torts Law is OVER
Can't wait till Monday... for now, two elephants for you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Planet Earth Clips, Pt I
Funny: Strange Bird Mating LOL I love it aahaha it's so sad at the end too ahaha
Crazy: Great White Breaching (Devouring Seals)
The good part starts in the middle. Holy crap that is so scary I think I would die of shock if I saw it in real life... or at least piss myself if I saw it at the IMAX. Thank goodness I saw it on my little laptop screen the first time... still very scary. and crazy. They are machines.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Constitutional Law is OVER
I think I will make a post like this after each exam. Then I can collect all four :)
This picture here is another metaphorical picture of me.
Hahah just kidding. I'm being morbid/overly dramatic for no reason. It'll be interesting to see how I did in this class, though. It's amazing how quickly 4 hours fly by when you are taking an exam. I will possess Supreme Knowledge of the major supreme court cases for the next... 1.3 hours. My brain dumps happen pretty quickly.
It was nice to come back today and see Planet Earth waiting for me! As well as a pair of shoes. Whoohoo I sure know how to suffer right.
One thing I did learn through Conlaw was what partial birth abortions are. I am pro-choice, but it is really disturbing..
Saturday, May 5, 2007
set me freee
3 finals, 10 days to go.
I recently learned of a editing trick for school essays (courtesy of one of W's forums):
On a typical size 12 Times New Roman essay, if you change the periods to size 14, the change is indiscernable to the normal reader but it adds ~2 pages to your paper!! (assuming you are trying to get to 8-10 pages) I haven't tried it, but I guess it really works!
That's pretty amazing. Probably would have helped me in high school when I was trying to reach the minimum page count, rather than now, when I'm pulling my hair out trying to fit my memo in within maximum page limit (everyone in my LS has this problem, i guess it's how the professors create a curve... who will be the best fact squeezer-inner? dun dun dun)
Friday, May 4, 2007
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Criminal Law is OVER
ANYWAY there is an interesting article in the economist that I learned many things from. It's not about politics or the economy or the politcal economy, but rather about... DUCKS! hahah
"Sexual selection
A game of ducks and drakes
May 3rd 2007
From The Economist print edition
The evolutionary battle of the sexes has some curious consequences
SEX, in most species of bird, is a consensual activity. It has to be. Males have no penises and are armed with a genital opening which looks little different from that of a female. Intercourse happens when these two openings are brought together in what ornithologists refer to as a cloacal kiss. In these circumstances, rape is a difficult option.
Drakes, however, are notorious rapists—forcing their attentions on ducks indiscriminately—and it is surely no coincidence that they are among the 3% of male birds that do have a penis. In fact, drake penises come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes that are thought by students of the subject to be part of an arms race to ensure that it is the owner's sperm that fertilise the next generation of ducklings, rather than anybody else's.
The question is, an arms race against whom? The males of many species of insect have similarly elaborate genitalia. These seem designed to compete directly against other males—for example by scraping out the sperm of previous suitors or breaking off and blocking the female's genital opening. But Patricia Brennan, of Yale University, and her colleagues suspected that in ducks and drakes the arms race might be between the sexes rather than between members of the same sex. Females, in other words, would rather choose which males inseminate them. And if rape is inevitable, evolution might provide them with other ways of making this choice.
Surprisingly (or perhaps not, given the male-dominated nature of science) the elaborate cataloguing of drake genitalia had not been extended to ducks. So Dr Brennan got out her scalpel and started looking. As she reports in the Public Library of Science, she discovered that the sexual passages of ducks are every bit as elaborate as the penises of drakes are. Indeed, for every species, the more elaborate the latter were, the more elaborate were the former. In particular, duck vaginas are often equipped with additional passages that have blind endings, and frequently corkscrew in a clockwise direction, in contradistinction to the anticlockwise thread of a drake's penis.
Dr Brennan interprets these anatomical flourishes as anti-insemination mechanisms. The contrary threads of the genitalia make successful penetration much harder if the female is not co-operating. The blind passages make it likely that sperm will be ejaculated into the wrong place and thus fail to fertilise the duck's eggs. Conversely, a willing female should be more easily inseminated.
That interpretation is backed up by the fact that ducks with the most elaborate genitalia are those from species where the drakes have the largest penises. These species are also the ones where rape is most often observed. In ducks and drakes, it seems, size matters. But not in a way that is good for females."
Rape is wrong.
school vouchers
Economist's School Voucher Article