It's already 2008. The 2000 years are flying by. This tells me I'm getting old, because years were just so much more substantial when I was younger.
Embarrassing moment of the week: writing "your" instead of "you're" to a person at the firm I'm going to. I really hate those mistakes, they make a person look dumb. The worst is when you notice it right when you click "send."
Some 2008 goals I don't mind sharing:
1) being able to comprehend a Chinese newspaper by the end of the year
2) being healthier
3) being on time
4) becoming principle-centered
Some people think new year's resolutions are lame, useless, for the desperate. Whatever, I think if you want to have them then have them. It's better to self-evaluate at SOME point rather than never, right? True, you can start turning your life around at any minute. But there's a reason why we like to celebrate a new year-- it just feels significant.
It's helpful to break them down into weekly/monthly goals. E.g. 20 new Chinese characters per week, working out at least 2x per week, and learning to cook (so as to eat better). Being on time... well that's a life long struggle for me :P I think it will have to be dealt with by becoming principle-centered... on the right principles. I admire people with a strong sense of principle (but are subtle about it).
I hope this will be a great year. Classes this semester are interesting, despite their boring names: Evidence, Business Associations, Taxation of Businesses, and Professional Responsibility. PR is very interesting-- ethics topics usually are-- I think it will provide good blog material. Anyway, the summer should be awesome (though I will make sure to work for it), and I'm hoping for a trip down to South America for the first time this winter.
Happy 2008.
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