besides freedom? and spideyman?

A random present from W! Horray! I have heard so many good things about this series. Best nature documentary EVER??!? Haha. And the
DVDs are narrated by the OG British narrator (as opposed to Sigourney Weaver on tv), which is good for me because I (like most other girls?) do love the British accent. :)
... Has no one ever told Blogger that they need smilies?
Anyway, the Discovery Channel has an
awesome website for it, too. Is it sad how mesmerized I am by the spinning thing on the front page (when you click from region to region)?
Can't wait till finals are over. Sadly, I haven't even taken my first one yet.
OooO how much was the series! My mom and dad were talking about getting it too. Planet Earth has bonded my family together on Sunday nights ahaha.
I totally agree with you on the website, it's oober cool.
That's so nice that Will bought it for u!! I still have yet to meet him. haha
OH! and yay no sig. weaver. Well she was OK. But hopefully the producers "upped" the volume on vocals in the dvd, cause it wasn't loud enough in the tv series. Yes, British accents are yummy.
:) It's like $54 on right now, about 30% off! that's so cute that it bonds your family hehe. I can't wait to watch it, maybe we should have HHH DVD nights.
I watched a clip on the DC website, and sig weaver's voice is too calm, like no passion. I read a funny review that said she sounded like she just woke up and was reading a 5th grader's science report that she didn't care about.
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