
Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tongue & Foreskin

Here's my friend's dog, Chloe. Look how cute she is when she sticks out her tongue!!!! It's not hanging out like normal... it's just stuck out, with the rest of her mouth closed. We even tried touching it-- she didn't flinch. Kind of weird. But more just cute.

Today my torts professor told me how Keith Richards snorted his father's ashes with some cocaine (we were discussing emotional distress resulting from the mishandling of a deceased relative's body). Gross.
Update: I guess it might not be true, but the fact that Richards would say that is pretty crazy.

Also, there was a case mentioned about a battle over a boy being circumcized on the wrong day. Which reminded me, did you know that there is a rather expensive facial cream made out of a baby boy's foreskin??? Yeah. Featured on Oprah and The View and all; it's supposed to work miracles. I'm not touching it.

Something about it makes sense but is still so wrong.

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