So, in my mind, I was going to be blogging consistently once I returned home for the summer. Rediscovering myself. Opening my eyes. Uncovering lost Edens. Being really idiotic. Anyway, such has not been the case. Partly because I've been busier than expected, but moreso because of my omgsoslow internet connection. My internet is very.... retro. I like that 1998 56K style.
Well, to be fair, it's not slow because of the original connection, it's slow because we are sharing with the neighbors. And my wireless connection is hanging on for dear life by one weak bar and, sometimes, his grip slips and Linksys is no longer with us ;( Gotta love that [illegal] neighborly cooperation though.
I'm trying to stay true to my VISION though. After all, my blogs have basically become short postings of photos, and usually boring ones at that. Not exactly a strain.

"Fridays off the 405"
aka the Getty becomes a kool kat klub. there were sooo many people-- let's just say I never knew the Getty parking structure went down so many levels -__-. I kind of liked that ignorance.

I like my fobby dresses.
Now back to citation checking, the funnest activity in all of the [Opposite] Land! When there is ever something dead boring to do in a professional world, those in power must be like, "HMmm let's make everyone believe that this is really Important and Prestigious... then the lower minions will VOLUNTARILY do it!"